Oh ugggg
So you know I'm taking this salt pills right? and I'm feeling better right? and I should just be happy with that. But no. I get on the scale and for the first time in 2 yrs I've gain 6 lbs. and it is making me crazy. I want to stop taking the pills, which is insane, because they are helping me. People tell me I look better that don't even know about them, and I still feel fat. Now I'm still in a size 4 and I'm feeling fat. I'm so sick. In the head, sick. Because I feel like a fat pig, because I've gain 6 lbs and I'm afraid that tommorwo I will be over 200 lbs again. My boobs are starting to look like boobs again, heck that is atleast where some of the water and wieght is going, and I should be happy about that all I'm feeling is panic. I'm hungry now too, and eatting again you know more then I was. And I'm all alone in here because most of my friends can't know or get any of this. Maybe I need to go find Milenka.......... ugg reaching out for help sucks, I hate it. I love you guys but I hate asking for help when I'm feeling bad. Gack, blah, thhhhhupptttt.