Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A new post WHOA.....

I know I know I have not posted in a while. But my life was really pretty boring while I worked on the "inner" me. The doctors are now calling it adjustment disorder with depression cuz I simply refuse to accept the condition I am in. Actually tho my conditioin has been steadly improving. Which I got to see in full force yesterday as I went WILD and CRAZY by accepting another bloggers invitation to go to Costco. Let me just say right now L from Homesick Home
is so nice that if you ever get invited to go anywhere where she is you should get your boots on and go. Her lil boy was with us....... can I just say this kid was SO cute and good! OMG he was SO good. For me it was the first time out with someone not my family in....... ummmm........ a year? More? Me who use to be so madly independant can barely go to the store, but yesterday I did and it was good. I just need to keep doing this kind of stuff I have stayed hidden for too long and it isn't doing me or my family any good.


Blogger Gawdessness said...

And because it is you, and only because, then I am not jealous of either of you, just...wistful!

4:28 PM  
Blogger L. said...

Gawdessness, come on down to the Bay Area someday, and we`ll ALL go to Costco together!

Achro -- GREAT to finally meet you!!! It`s so funny -- when I first encountered you on Naaman`s site (nearly two years ago???) I never thought I`d be living in SF! Never say never!

5:19 PM  
Blogger Granny said...

Let's make it a party. L. is just great. The weather may be a little foggy now for another potluck but maybe in the spring?

11:05 AM  
Blogger achromic said...

ya that sounds good granny!

3:34 PM  
Blogger cebii said...

You go girl! I'm very proud. It can be so hard to break those cycles...

We would love to come visit, but SF is a bit out of our way. If we DO end up there, you can be sure we'll meet. BTW, Lionmom and I would welcome you with open arms if you are in Central Texas.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Granny said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

7:23 PM  
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12:04 AM  

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